東京藝術大学 アーカイブセンター

7. Futsuin Koheitai no Uta

7. Futsuin Koheitai no Uta
Title “A Song for the French Indochina Engineering Corps”
Lyricist Unknown
Music Composer Shinichi Takada (1/24/1920–1/16/1960)
Client West Unit 9825 (Nishi Dai Kyu Hachi Ni Go Butai)
Date of Commission 7/5/1942
Source “June 1942–September 1943 Music Commission Dossier”; musical score is from “Music Composition Manuscripts since 1944”

Commissioned by the Japanese Army West Unit 9825 through Yoshiro Ishikawa (an army reserve officer?) in July 1942 (17th year of the Showa period). The surviving documents consist of a commission form, Ishikawa’s name card, lyrics sheet, musical score, and cover letter for musical scores.

“West Unit 9825” was the common name used for the “170th Infantry Regiment,” a key force in the 21st Brigade, which was formed in June 1941 (16th year of the Showa period). In July of the same year, the unit participated in the occupation of southern French Indochina.

In September 1942 (17th year of the Showa period), two months after the song was commissioned, the main force of this particular unit was deployed to Guam and Rabaul (Papua New Guinea) via Palau. However, in November of the same year, their transport ship was sunk by enemy fire while passing through Palau Harbor. Having lost their ensign in the attack, the unit was demobilized on-site in June 1943 (18th year of the Showa period).

The music composer was a teaching aide at the Tokyo Academy of Music at the time.

Restoration Recording
2/23/2012 (Studio A, Tokyo University of the Arts, Faculty of Music, Senju Campus)
Chorus  [Student volunteers from the Department of Vocal Music, Faculty of Music, Tokyo University of the Arts]

Yosuke Kawano, Sho Kikawa, Hirotaka Kino, Takamasa Sawahara, Keiichi Takada, Shohei Takasaki, Masanori Taguchi, Kazuhiro Fukunaga, Hisanori Muramoto, and Yukihiro Yamamoto.

Piano/Singing Coach Chikako Oku
Recording/Editing Toru Kamekawa
Recording Assistant Masahiro Oda, Takashi Saito, and So Shiiba

風雲はらむ 佛印に
新生の意気 空高く 
仰ぐ隊長 核心に 
死生(しせい)結ぶ つわものは
九州男児に 三河武士
我等は 佛印工兵隊
勇躍(ゆうやく)すすむ 馬来(まれい)
鉄火とび散る 濁流に
敢然かんぜんかける 橋の数
弾丸(たま)のしぶきを 身に浴びて
機舟(きしゅう)浮べて 肉迫(にくはく)
我等は 佛印工兵隊
炎熱(えんねつ)ものか 厳然(げんぜん)
蟻もとおさぬ 援蒋路(えんしょうろ)
山なす物資  ことごとく
瀧なす汗に 此の技術(うで)
敵の宝庫の 影もなし 
我等は 佛印工兵隊
熱風すさぶ ビルマ戦
砂塵(さじん)は狂い のどはやく
追撃隊に 尖兵(せんぺい)
地雷も戦車も 密林 
挺身(ていしん)ひらく 進撃路
我等は 佛印工兵隊
南方基地の 生命線
(あした)に守り 夕に()
此の(とき)此の日 此の未明
英米撃滅(うて)の 御詔勅(みことのり)
正義の十字鍬(じゅうじ) 今ふるえ
我等は 佛印工兵隊
ああ鉄石(てっせき)の 此の決意
日の丸高く 仰ぐまで
築くアジアの 捨石(すていし)
なるぞ(はえ)ある 此の(あした)
我等は 佛印工兵隊

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