東京藝術大学 アーカイブセンター

6. Kokuminseishin Sakkou no Uta “Warera wa Hinotami”

6. Kokuminseishin Sakkou no Uta “Warera wa Hinotami”
Title A Song to Incite National Spirit ‘We Are a Nation of the Sun’
Lyricist Yoshiaki Tezuka (1881–10/17/1965)
Music Composer Kiyoshi Nobutoki (12/29/1887–8/1/1965)
Client Governor of Niigata Prefecture
Date of Commission 3/18/1924
Source “5/1916–5/1926 Music Commission Dossier”

Commissioned by the governor of Niigata Prefecture in 1924 (13th year of the Taisho period). The surviving documents consist of a commission form, award advertisement for the lyrics, original lyrics sheet, and a musical score.

This song is believed to have been written under “The Imperial Edict for Inciting National Spirit” to warn against “extravagance” and “dangerous thinking” amid the chaos that ensued after the Great Kanto earthquake in November 1923. The lyricist was the principal of the Niigata Prefectural Muikamachi Middle School and Niigata Prefectural Sanjo Middle School, and he wrote many school anthems for neighboring schools as well.

The music composer, then a professor at the Tokyo Academy of Music, is known for songs such as Umiyukaba (“If I Die at Sea”) and Kaido Tosei (“The Eastern Expedition on the Sea”).

Restoration Recording
2/23/2012 (Studio A, Tokyo University of the Arts, Faculty of Music, Senju Campus)
Chorus  [Student volunteers from the Department of Vocal Music, Faculty of Music, Tokyo University of the Arts]

Yosuke Kawano, Sho Kikawa, Hirotaka Kino, Takamasa Sawahara, Keiichi Takada, Shohei Takasaki, Masanori Taguchi, Kazuhiro Fukunaga, Hisanori Muramoto, and Yukihiro Yamamoto.

Piano/Singing Coach Chikako Oku
Recording/Editing Toru Kamekawa
Recording Assistant Masahiro Oda, Takashi Saito, and So Shiiba

第一章我等は太陽民族(ひのたみ) 歴史を負いて
輝くゆくての みちをば踏まん( )
蒼空みそら太陽ごと きみをば仰ぎ
自由の愛もて 祖国を抱かん( )
第二章我等は太陽民族(ひのたみ) ()ぬちをめぐる
濁らぬ血潮ぞ 民族うからの誇り
我等の希望のぞみは 太陽ごと若し
我等の力は 太陽ごと強し
第三章我等は太陽民族(ひのたみ) み(おや)()けし
ゆるがぬ信仰まことぞ 民族うから生命いのち

我等の心は 太陽ごとあか
我等の愛は 太陽ごとひろ
第四章我等は太陽民族(ひのたみ) 蒼空(みそら)を仰ぎ
大地に根ざして 人とし萌えん( )
光のみ親が 萬有もの生む如く
人類もろびとさかゆく 世界くにをば創生まん

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